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my new license key doesn't work!

PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 1:01 pm
by atsms
I just upgraded my license key for Callie,
and entered (copted and pasted) the info on the receipt, making sure there were no extra spaces,
but got the "Invalid Voice License Information Entered!" error message.

The only reason for the error message I can think of is that I left company name blank,
but I don't think I provided it.

Also, there are no selection other than "Callie *UNLICENSED*" in the "Voice" menu.
Does it have something to do with the error message?

please help! ...

PostPosted: Mon May 10, 2010 7:58 am
by AdamW
Based on your forum ID we can't really locate your sales records. This would allow us to figure out which voice license you bought and which voice you actually have installed. If you purchased your voice license prior to March or May 2008, you have an older license key (version 4.x) and you would need an upgrade to activate the current generation of voices. Please visit to check whether your upgrade is free or not (based on purchase date).

If none of this solves your problem, please open a support request at


PostPosted: Fri May 28, 2010 2:10 pm
by msg
I bought a license key for william_8khz. The registration was a succes but when i try using it... it still says that the voice module is not yet license.

Need help pls..

PostPosted: Mon May 31, 2010 4:49 pm
by AdamW
The symptom you describe matches the following scenario:

- You installed the voice and tested the phone system while the voice was unlicensed.
- The phone system, or the middleware in use between the system and the Cepstral engine, cached the audio.
- You licensed the voice, but the system did not refresh the cache, so it ends up playing the prompts as recorded with the licensing reminder from the cache.


Clear the audio cache for the pre-generated prompts.


1- Use the swift command line to generate an audio file by typing:

swift -o hello.wav hello

playing hello.wav shows that the licensing reminder is no longer there.

2- Change one of the prompts to force the system to refresh its cache. That prompt will not have the licensing reminder.