Using Lawrence and SSML in SwiftTalker to work around a temporary loss of voice, but having trouble with <audio>, <phoneme>, and <voice> tags.
I can hand-code HTML, XML, and XSLT but am new to SSML. Have pored over all Cepstral online SSML help and have searched entire forum for answers before posting.
Intermittent playback with <audio>: In my case, SSML and WAV audio files =must= be stored on local machine (Toshiba netbook running Windows 7 Home Professional). If I put them all in same folder and run an SSML file with the tag,
<audio src="blurb.wav">Audio file didn't play.</audio>
the WAV file may or may not play -- usually the latter. Successes and failures occur without change in audio tag or file locations -- even in ostensibly error-free SSML files with no other apps running. Using known 8- and 16-bit PCMs as test WAV files. Machine issue?
<phoneme> tag: Where can I find a complete list of plain text pronunciation codes valid for Cepstral's implementation of the ph attribute? I'm referring to the codes in 't ah0 m ey1 t ow0' in the tag
<phoneme ph='t ah0 m ey1 t ow0'>tomato</phoneme>
Have searched the web high and low.
Special effects with <voice>: Lawrence reads the text correctly, but I never hear the special effect. Suspect an addressing issue with the SFX files. Given that all files must be on my local machine, where should I store the SFX files and exactly how should I adress them? A concrete working example would be most helpful.
Any leads greatly appreciated.