I know you started a support ticket, but wanted to answer here so the information was public. The standard diagnostics are below:
Please run the following commands to help us diagnose your issue.
1. To make sure you have the correct match between 32 and 64 bit
uname -a
file /opt/swift/bin/swift.bin
Both of those lines should contain x86_64 if it is 64-bit. if uname -a gives i686 or i386 then you need the i386 build of swift.
2. To check your installation:
which swift
swift hello -o /dev/null
swift -V
swift -VV
These should all run without error, the results will tell us what version/voice you installed.
If you have troubles, then
ls -l /opt/swift/lib/
-- Just to be sure that the library files are symbolically linked. Some virtual drives do not support symbolic linking.
3. For error "Failed to set Voice"
a. ensure that app_swift is correctly linked (trouble spot on some versions of gcc):
gcc --version
If gcc version is >= 4.6, then
http://www.cepstral.com/support/faq/tel ... tml#appbugOtherwise,
ldd {APP_SWIFT_DIRECTORY}/app_swift.so
We are looking to make sure the app_swift module is linked against libswift, libceplang, and libceplex.
If not, then you will need to
sudo echo "/opt/swift/lib" > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/swift.conf; ldconfig
b. Ensure that the swift.conf file is correctly configured for your voice name.
The name of the voice specified by swift --voices and
The Default Voice in /etc/asterisk/swift.conf MUST exactly match.
c. Remove conflicting Asterisk modules
ls /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/*cep*
ls /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/*fest*
ls /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/*flit*
If any of those are found, mv them to a backup location and restart Asterisk.
Let us know if we can be of further assistance.
-- Adam